The Life-Saving Practice of Clarifying Expectations

When was the last time someone let you down? Or can you think of a recent moment where YOU let someone else down? I’ll bet the catalyst of these disappointments comes down to one thing –  unmet expectations. The truth is – unclear and unmet expectations have the power to rip apart relationships, divide staff teams, blow up families, and sink entire churches. That’s why expectations are a matter of life and death! There are 4 primary ways expectations go wrong:

  • Your expectation is unconscious. You didn’t even know you had an expectation until it was violated.
  • Your expectation is unrealistic. It is not reasonable given the person or circumstance.
  • Your expectation is unspoken. You did not clearly articulate your expectation to another person.
  • Your expectation is un-agreed upon. The other person never agreed to follow-through with your expectation.

The good news is – this can all be remedied by learning the life-saving skill of Clarifying Expectations. On today’s podcast, I’m joined by my wife Geri, as we explore the third of 8 essential relationship skills that every leader must adopt in order to love and lead like Jesus. Take a listen to today’s podcast.