Podcast: Read-Aloud Revival

RAR #31: Reading Aloud for History, Rea Berg

This may be one of the most delightful conversations we’ve had yet on the Read-Aloud Revival. If you haven’t met Rea Berg yet… you’re going to love me for introducing you to her. 🙂 And if you know who she is,

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RAR #30: Reading Aloud with Boys, Cindy Rollins

Boys. Here at the Read-Aloud Revival, we get asked about the nitty gritty of reading with boys more than anything else. And who better to answer those questions than a mother of eight boys? She also happens to be one of my very favorite people,

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RAR #29: Getting Back in the Saddle with Reading Aloud

Have you fallen out of the read-aloud habit? It’s okay – I understand. I’ve been there 100 times! In fact, I’m just trying to get back into the swing of things myself. Getting back in the saddle is quite likely easier than you think, though.

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RAR #27 Summer Reading: Making memories (& having fun)

We all want our kids to read over the summer, right? But how can make that summer reading both memorable and fun – a treasured childhood memory rather than another thing to do and check off our lists? For today’s show,

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RAR #26: How Illustrations Nourish the Imagination, Zach Franzen

If you’ve listened to the Read-Aloud Revival podcast much, you probably know I’m a huge fan of The Green Ember. I think it’s the best book my kids and I read together all year long. You’ll understand, then,

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RAR #25: When Kids are Whiny (and other questions you’re asking)

On today’s episode of the Read-Aloud Revival podcast, we’re answering YOUR questions! These Q and A podcasts are listener favorites, so grab some laundry, pop in your earbuds, and let’s go! In this episode,

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RAR #24: From Picture Books to Chapter Books and Novels

I ‘m trying something new for this episode of the Read-Aloud Revival Podcast. Instead of interviewing a guest, I’m chatting with you one-on-one. Something I hear about a lot is the struggle it can be to make the transition from picture books to chapter…

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RAR #22 Read Good Books. The End. -Carole Joy Seid

This isn’t rocket science, Carole Joy Seid tells us in today’s episode of the Read-Aloud Revival podcast. It’s really very simple – read good books. The end. 🙂 In this episode, you’ll hear: fabulous book recommendations simple,

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RAR #21: Finding Allies in Imagination: S.D. Smith and The Green Ember

If you read nothing else to your kids this year, read The Green Ember. This is a book that will steep your family’s imagination in the good, true, and beautiful. The characters encounter tremendous difficulty and face them with indomitable courage.

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RAR #19 Reading Aloud to Toddlers- the Why and How

We know we should start reading aloud to toddlers when they are still small, but somehow the logistics of doing just that are really difficult!  Today I’d like you to meet Haley and Sarah from Aslan’s Library– a blog I love.

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