Podcast: Read-Aloud Revival

RAR #07: A Lifestyle of Reading Aloud, Melissa Wiley

When I think of someone who fully embraces a family culture built around books, Melissa Wiley comes to mind right away. As a mother of six and author of several children’s books, she has managed to make reading aloud a central part of family life in he…

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RAR #06: How to Teach Your Children Shakespeare, a Conversation with Ken Ludwig

Are you intimidated by Shakespeare? Do you wonder how you can introduce the bard’s work to your kids if you aren’t all that familiar with it yourself? Ah yes. You’ve come to the right place. 🙂 I am a huge (HUGE!) fan of Ken Ludwig‘s book,

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RAR #05: The Importance of Reading Aloud Imperfectly

We got to hear from Jim Weiss about tips and tricks for character voices and how to be skilled storytellers in episode 4 of the podcast. Now listen in as he tells us that it doesn’t need to be done perfectly (and why we shouldn’t even try to make it so…

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RAR #04: Tips and Tricks for Reading Aloud, a Conversation with Jim Weiss

You very likely know and love him already, so listen in while I chat with Jim Weiss about tips and tricks for reading aloud. This was such an awesome conversation that I split it into two episodes! In this episode,

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RAR #03: “Reading Aloud is Like Comfort Food”- a Conversation with Tsh Oxenreider

I ‘m really excited about today’s podcast! I got to chat with Tsh Oxenreider from The Art of Simple. Reading plays a major role in Tsh’s family life, and she has a down-to- earth perspective on life and books to share with us. In this episode,

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RAR #02: Engaging Conversations- How to Talk to Your Kids About Books, a Conversation with Adam Andrews

Are you hesitant to talk to your kids about books because you don’t know how to do it? In this episode of the Read-Aloud Revival podcast, I chat with Adam Andrews from the Center for Lit. He gives us some simple tools to help us have better,

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RAR #01: Reading Aloud to Older Kids, a Conversation with Andrew Pudewa

Welcome to the first episode of the Read-Aloud Revival Podcast! You’ll find all of the Read-Aloud Revival episodes right here. In this very first episode of the podcast, I talk with Andrew Pudewa from the Institute for Excellence in Writing.

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