Podcast: Read-Aloud Revival

RAR #191: Helping your ADHD or Dyslexic Child Love Reading

If you have a child with ADHD or dyslexia and want him/her to love reading, this episode is for you. I’m sharing tips and tricks to help kids with ADHD enjoy reading and read-alouds in this episode of The Read-Aloud Revival.

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RAR #190: Sarah’s Favorite Stories About Christian Saints and Heroes

Looking for my favorite stories about Christian saints and heroes? You’re in the right place! That’s what I’m talking about in today’s short episode of the Read-Aloud Revival. (Heads up, I’m Catholic, so a lot of these titles will be of special interes…

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RAR #189: What if my kids always pick screens over books? 

Many of us worry about how screen time impacts our kids’ reading life. So how do we manage screens in a way that still makes it likely our kids will love to read? That’s the question I’m answering in today’s short episode of the Read-Aloud Revival.

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RAR #188: My kids aren’t picking good books at the library. What do I do?

If you take your kids to the library and they consistently choose books you aren’t excited about them reading… what can you do? That’s the question I’m answering in today’s short episode of the Read-Aloud Revival.

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RAR #187: How to find books that engage both an 8- and a 4-year-old

How can we find books that engage both an 8- and a 4-year-old? That’s the question I’m answering in today’s short episode of the Read-Aloud Revival. You’ll hear… why we shouldn’t leave picture books behind a tip for keeping kids engaged with longer boo…

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RAR #186: Should my kids’ reading correlate with their history studies?

Should my kids’ reading correlate with their history studies? Many of make it a point to make sure our reading lines up with the time period we’re learning about in history. Is that a good idea? That’s the question I’m answering in today’s short episod…

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RAR #185: Should I Use Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons?

Should I use Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons? That’s the question I’m answering in today’s short episode of the Read-Aloud Revival. You’ll hear… Yes, if it works for you. No, if it doesn’t. My own experience and my favorite alternatives A …

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RAR #184: What to do if your developing reader skips words when reading

What should you do if your developing reader skips words when reading? That’s the question I’m answering in today’s short episode of the Read-Aloud Revival. You’ll hear… Actually, we all do skip words when reading,

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RAR #183: Should We Avoid Abridged or Adapted Versions of the Classics?

Should we avoid abridged or adapted versions of classics? That’s the question I’m answering in today’s short episode of the Read-Aloud Revival. You’ll hear… what abridged or adapted versions of the classics can offer what happened when Sarah’s daughter…

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RAR #182: 5 Books I want you to know about, and answers to your questions about reading a book a day

Today I’m sharing five books you’ll love, plans for RAR this fall (books clubs and writing and events you don’t want to miss!), and answers to your questions about reading a book a day. Wondering if including re-reading is a good idea,

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